Hyper sensitive /allergy

Unnecessary over response usually pollen grain , most common allergy from sun , cold , dust ,fibers ,medicines and antibiotic etc.

Allergens are genetical

Antigen - mainly proteins in nature. promotes both cellular and humoral immunity in our body. Antigen is species specific and show same nature in differ individual of same species,

Allergen - may be proteins like dust, heat, smoke, sunlight, cold, air, medicines, etc in nature. It is promotes formation of IgE type antibody in our body. may be vary in nature and show differ nature in different individual of species. some  allergens may be common but not all.

Disease relate to immune system 

1. Bronchial asthma  

 Asthma is a treatable disease but not completely curable disease. Asthma is heritable diseases. Hyposensitization i.e regular exposure to low dose of allergen , is not do successful in asthma which is quite helpful for common cold in cold climate.

Inhalers contains bronehodilators which contains sympathomimetic drugs which activates salbutamol ( Asthalin ). Antibiotics are used for prevention bacterial inflammation .

 2. Hay Fever / seasonal allergic rhinitis 

Water like substance secretion form the body parts. Ionic loss ( electrolyte disbalance ). lazyness hence, low nerve conduction. 

Cure: Anti histamine drugs 
 3. Urticaria 

 Appearance of rashes over the body parts and redness.
Cure ; anti histamine and steroids for short interval 

4. Eczema 

Vesicle formation find allergen and should be complety avoided drugs are used.

5.Anaphylactic shocks 

Max accumulation B-lymphocyte release of histamine in max amount max dialation.
Blood pressure suddenly falls the brain do not get immediate glucose and cholestrol , it collaspe suddenly.

AST- after sensitivity test ( for penicillin injection )

Andreline is used to increase heart beat sensation constrict peripheral vessel ; blood pressure increase.
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