It is a rare but serious fungal infection. black fungus is caused by molds known as 'Mucormycetes'. the spores of this fungus are found in soil, air, and decaying organic matter. 

this fungus usually infects people who have low immunity. Black fungus cases were rare before covid-19. 


Why is black fungus so common these days and why does covid-19 patients

Normally , our immune system protects us from the black fungus . but in covid treatment reduces our immune function and patients become more prone to these infection.

humidifiers used in oxygen therapy can also cause black fungus.

Who is at the risks of black fungus ('Mucormycetes')
People at the ricks of black fungus 

People with uncontrolled diabetes. people taking immunosuppressant such as steriods. long ICU admission. people with comorbidities ; like cancer ,HIV and recently organ transplants 

 Mucormycosis affects the sinuses & lungs . The infection may spread from sinuses to nose, orbit of the eye , Brain 

They are many type of mucormycosis 

1.Rhinocerebral mucormycosis - In this infection may spread from sinuses to nose , orbit of the eyes, brain. nasal blockage ,black discharge or bleeding from the nose localized pain on the cheekbones. pain on either half of your face numbness , swelling black discoloration on the bridge of the nose or on the palate ( root of the mouth ).you may observe fever, headache, altered senses. Loss of concentration and orientation , confusion behavioral change.

2.Pulmonary mucormycosis - If your lungs are affected with black fungus. you may observe chest pain cough shortness of breath blood in vomit.

How to prevent mucormycosis

Keep your blood sugar level under control ,  use steroids cautiously, use only only sterile water in the humidifiers for oxygen therapy. maintain personal hygiene 

How is mucormycosis treated ?

Do not ignore any signs and symptoms of mucormycosis. antifungal treatment is started after diagnosis of mucormycosis 

treatment of mucormycosis includes . Amphotericin B, Posaconazole, Isavuconazole
These antifungals are given intravenously. certain cases may require surgery, where the infected tissue is removed.

Is Mucormycosis dangerous ?

Mucormycosis may be dangerous if timely treatment is not given .


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