1. No organism is immortal, then why do we say there is no natural death in single-celled organisms? 

2. What is the significance of reproduction? 

3. Name the type of reproduction wherein the offsprings produced are identical to each other and the parent. 

4 Name the stage of growth and maturity in the life of animals before they can reproduce sexually.

5. Name the scientific name of the plant that flowers once in 12 years. 

6. Name the type of fertilization wherein the survival of the organism up to adulthood is threatened. 

7. Name the stage from where every sexually reproducing organism begins its life. 

8. What is a meiocyte? 

9. What do you mean by clones? 

10. What is a vegetative phase in plants? 

11. Name the type of plants that show clear-cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases. 12. Name the plant which flower only once in their lifetime. 

13. In seed plants how the non-motile gametes are carried to female gamete? 

14. Differentiate between asexual and sexual method of reproduction. 

15. Gametes are always haploid. How are the gametes produced from a haploid plant body and a diploid plant body? 

16. How do the following organisms reproduce? Yeast, Amoeba. 

17. Life spans of organisms are not necessarily correlated with their sizes. Explain 

18. Name the asexual reproductive structures of the following: Chlamydomonas, Penicillum, Hydra,Sponge. 

19. Explain the following terms. Isogametes, An isogametes, staminate flower, Pistillate flower. 20. Why are Chara and Marchantia are referred to as monoecious and dioecious plants? 

21. What are hermaphrodite? Give an example.

22. Why do you refer Water Hyacinth as an invasive weed? Why is it difficult to get rid off them? 23. Why the number of male gametes produced is more than the number of female gamete? 

24. Name the gametes produced by staminate and pistillate flowers.

25. Why are offsprings of oviparous animals at a greater risk as compared to offsprings of viviparous animals? 

26. Cell division is itself a mode of reproduction .Name two single celled organisms and explains this. 

27. What are zoospores ? Why are they referred so? 

28. What do the following parts of a flower develop into after fertilization? Ovary, zygote, ovary wall, ovules. 

29. Mention the three phases in the life cycle of plants and animals. 

30. Study the figure, label the parts.

31. What are vegetative propagules? Name the vegetative propagules of the following plants. Ginger, Agave, Bryophyllum , Water hyacinth. 

32. What are continuous breeders and seasonal breeders?

33. Where does syngamy occur? Explain with examples.

34. Explain the features exhibited by the organisms showing external fertilization to enhance the chances of syngamy .What is the disadvantage of external fertilization? 

35. Differentiate between oestrus and menstrual cycle with examples. 

36. Write the sexuality in the following organisms.

(a) earthworm




(e) Sweet Potato


37. What is parthenogenesis? Give an example. 

38. What are oviparous and viviparous animals? Give examples.

39. Give the term for the following figure A,B and C. 

40. Give the term for kinds of gametes in the given figures A and B . In the figure A give the specific terms for the gametes A B 

41. Child marriages are more prevalent in our society.i)As a student of biology how will you support a ban stating the biological reasons for the same and give valid reasons.


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