1. Why are pollen grains produced in enormous quantity in maize? 

2. What is the ploidy of the cells in the microspore tetrad? 

3. What is the ploidy of PEN? 

4. How many eggs are present in an embryo sac? 

5. Even though each pollen grain has two male gametes, why are at least 10 pollen grains and not 5 pollen grains required to fertilize 10 ovules present in a particular carpel? 

6. What are parthenocarpic fruits? 

7. What is scutellum? 

8. What is a pollen bank? 


9. Identify the given figure and label the parts. 

10. Of the eight nuclei of the embryo sac in flowering plants three are at the micropylar end. How many are there at the chalazal end and how many nuclei located in the central cell? 

11. How could pollen grains be well preserved as fossils? 

12. What are the effects of pollen in some people and how are the pollen grains are being used as food supplements? 

13. How many haploid nuclei and haploid cells are present in the female gametophyte of angiosperm? 

14. Why is the process of fertilization in flowering plant referred to as double fertilization? Explain. 

15. How does geitonogamy differ from xenogamy in plants? 

16. What are the stages of embryogeny in a Dicotyledonous embryo? 

17. How long do the seeds remain alive after they are dispersed? 


18. Draw a diagram of the following and label any six / three parts. 

(i) T.S. of a mature anther. 

(ii) Maturepollengrain.

(iii) A diagrammatic view of a typical anatropous ovule.

(iv) A diagrammatic representation of the mature embryo sac. 

(v) Fertilized embryo sac 

(vi) Stages in embryo development in a dicot. 

(vii) Dicot embryo. 

(viii) L.S. of an embryo of grass

(ix) a longitudinal section of a flower showing growth of pollen tube.


19. Explain the structure of microsporangium. 

20. Explain the structure of pollen grain. 

21. Explain artificial hybridization technique. 

22. Explain double fertilization schematically. 

23. What is pollination and explain its types? 

24. Endosperm development precedes embryo development. Why?

25. Explain free nuclear endosperm development. 

26. What are advantages of seeds to Angiosperms? 

27. What do you mean by seed dormancy? What is its significance?


28. Continued self-pollination result in inbreeding depression. What are the out breeding devices developed in flowering plants to discourage self-pollination? Which type of pollination seen in Papaya? 

29. What are the characteristics of wind ,water and insect pollinated flowers? 

30. Explain the pollen pistil interaction with a sketch showing entry of pollen tube into asynergid. 31. Define triple fusion. What is the product of this process? What does the product develop into? 

32. Trace the development of a mature female gametophyte from a megaspore mother cell. 

33. Describe the development of male gametophyte in angiosperms. 

34. Explain the following terms : Non-albuminous, Albuminous, Perisperm, Pericarp, seed dormancy. 

35. Explain the following terms : False fruit ,True fruit, Parthenocarpic fruit, Apomixis, Polyembryony, 

36. Mr.Y, a farmer has kept heaps of seeds to be packed for future use in a room. His children while
poured water on to the seeds. A) As a student of biology suggest the measures to be taken before storage and why? B) What is the significance of seeds for a farmer?

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