Human Reproduction Class 12 important questions


1. Name the cells which secrete androgens 

2. What does the head of a sperm consist of? 

3. Name the structure which secretes progesterone. 

4. Name the structures which secrete estrogen. 

5. Name the site of fertilization in human beings. 

6. What is the main function of Sertoli cells? 

7. Name the outermost layer of the blastocyst 

8. What promotes completion of second meiotic division is oogenesis? 

9. Testes normally remain suspended in the scrotum in mammals. Why? 

10. How many spermatozoa will be produced from 100 primary spermatocytes and how many ova will be produced from 100 primary oocytes? 

11. Name the three layers of the embryo that give rise to all tissues and the cells that have the potency to give rise to all the tissues and organs. 

12. What is oogenesis? Where does it occur? 

13. What is ovulation? What happens to the Graafian follicle after ovulation? 

14. What is colostrum? What is its importance? 

15. Draw a labeled diagram of the following and label six parts:-

i) T.S. of testes 

ii) T.S. of an ovary 

iii) Sperm 

iv) Ovum. 

v) Embryo development 

vi) Female reproductive system 

16. Mention any three differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis. 

17. Differentiate between Leydig cells and Sertoli cells with reference to their location in the organ and their function 

18. What is parturition? How is it induced? Which hormones are involved in the induction of parturition? 

19. What is a seminiferous tubule? Name the various types of cells present in it and explain its function. 

20. Explain different phases of spermatogenesis with schematic representation. 

21. Explain different phases of oogenesis with a schematic representation 

22. Name the glands associated with male reproductive organs and state their functions. 

23. Explain the various phase of the menstrual cycle with reference to changes in the ovary and uterus and hormonal cycle. 

24. Explain the process of fertilization. 

25. Explain the stages of embryo development from fertilization to implantation. 

26. Draw a diagrammatic presentation of various events during a menstrual cycle. 

27. What is the placenta? What is its role? Justify Placenta as an endocrine tissue.

28. What are the main features of embryonic development at various months of pregnancy? 

29 Is it correct to say that the sex of the child is determined by the woman and not by the man? Explain

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