
In this interaction, one gene suppress / mask  the expression of  other non-allelic gene.
The gene which suppress other epistasis.  The gene being suppress other hypostatic
Dominance occur in allelic gene whereas epistasis occur in non-allelic gene. negative interaction.

Two type of epistasis

1.  Dominant epistasis

When the dominant allele of epistasis gene suppresses the hypostasis gene.
example : hair colour in dogs 

*9- W_B_ [Dogs are white in colour] 
*3-W_bb [Dogs are white in colour ]
*3-wwB_[Dogs are black in colour ]
*1-wwbb [Dog are brown in colour ]

12:3:1 are the ratio of dogs skin colour

2. Recessive epistasis 

When the recessive allele of epistasis  allele mask the expression of hypostasis gene ,  (both dominant and recessive allele )
example of coat colour of mice

* 9-A_B_-The colour of is Agouti  
* 4-__bb_-The colour of is Albino
* 3-aaBb-The colour of is black
 recessive epistatsis ratio 9:4:3 are the ratio of the mice colour 

- A in supplementary allele for B  and hypoststic gene for b.
- AaBb - untill B is present b is not functional (Agouti)
-Aabb -B is absent b will suppress A (albino)

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